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Protect Your Business With Pet Care Insurance (PCI)

Prosperous Pet Business Podcast Recommends PCI


Trusted by over 16,000+ Pet-care Professionals

Lloyds of London company logo

Trusted by over 14,000+ Pet-care Professionals


Backed by

Lloyds of London company logo

Why Choose PCI? Peace of Mind

Instant and Affordable Coverage

Get a quote and enroll in 10 minutes or less! Schedule your start date or set up your coverage to begin immediately.

Pet Protection and Veterinary Reimbursement

Most insurance companies won’t cover animals, but our base policy automatically includes Pet Protection Coverage (Animal Bailee) and Veterinarian Reimbursement at no extra cost.

Easy Online Access

Get instant access to your Certificate of Insurance (COI), make changes to your policy, and submit a claim anytime and anywhere.

Coverage Details

Limits of Insurance

The most your policy will pay in a 12 month policy period for bodily injury and property damage claims that you become legally obligated to pay due to your business services.

Limit per Incident: $1,000,000

Limit per Year: $2,000,000

The maximum amount your policy will pay in a 12-month period for bodily injury and property damage claims that result from the products you use to perform your services.


The amount that your policy will pay for claims arising out of one or more of the following offenses:

  • False arrest, detention or imprisonment
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Wrongful eviction or wrongful entry
  • Oral or written publications that slander or libel a person or organization
  • Oral or written publication or material that violates a person’s right of privacy
  • The use of another’s advertising idea in your advertisement

The maximum your policy will pay for a bodily injury or property damage claim that you become legally obligated to pay due to your business services.


Applies to damage by fire to premises rented to the insured; also applies to damage regardless of cause to premises (including contents) occupied by the insured for 7 days or less.

Any One Premises: $100,000

A general liability coverage that reimburses others, without regard to the insured’s liability, for medical or funeral expenses incurred by such persons as a result of bodily injury or death sustained by accident under the conditions specified in the policy.

Any One Person: $5,000

This provides your pet business with coverage in the event that you are legally liable for injuries or damages sustained by an animal in your care, custody, or control.

Limit per Incident: $2,500

Limit per Year: $5,000

This provides coverage for medical expenses—regardless of who is at fault—for a client’s pet in your care, custody, or control.

Limit per Incident: $1,000

Limit per Year: $2,500

Deductible: $250

If you were to lose the keys to a client’s residence, this coverage could help you manage the cost of installing new locks or having the building rekeyed.

Limit per Incident: $2,000

Limit per Year: $2,000

Equipment and Inventory Coverage (Inland Marine)

...helps with the cost of repairing or replacing your gear if it’s damaged or stolen

Broadened Property Damage Coverage

...covers property damage caused by the pets in your care

Employee Dishonesty Coverage

...protects you from financial losses if an employee steals 

Data Theft Protection (Cyber Liability)

... safeguards your business in the event of cyberattacks like ransomware or data breaches


Pets Are Our Kind of People

Get Peace of Mind with PCI

PCI offers top-rated coverage that professionals trust.

Comparing Employee Dishonesty Coverage & Bonding

PCI’s employee dishonesty coverage is similar to a bond, but there may be some key differences to consider.

Employee dishonesty coverage:

  • Can be purchased in the same transaction
  • Doesn’t run credit checks
  • Provides $10,000 per occurrence and $25,000 aggregate coverage

Bonds may differ from our dishonesty coverage by:

  • Checking your credit during the application process
  • Having a “Conviction Claus;” Often bonds won’t pay on claims unless there is a conviction
  • Many require you to reimbursement the bonding company after a claim is paid