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Understanding Your Insurance

man explaining insurance
Sometimes trying to understand insurance feels as though you are back in school taking a test. That’s why at Pet Care Insurance (PCI), we’ve put together a “cheat sheet” to assist you in the “test” of understanding your policy.

What Is Animal Bailee?

This is one of the fundamental parts of any pet care insurance policy. Sometimes called “care, custody, or control,” this coverage will help protect you and your business in the event that you are held legally responsible for damages, injuries, or even the death of a client’s pet. This coverage is included in PCI’s base policy, but it also has options too if you want to increase your coverage limits.

What Is Vet Bill Reimbursement?

If a client’s pet is hurt while in your care, vet bill reimbursement can help you by reimbursing you for the cost of the bill see limits for details. This coverage is also included in PCI’s base policy, but it covers vet bills regardless of who is at fault.

What Is General Liability?

General liability coverage offers you protection against the cost of third party claims that you become legally responsible for due to injuries or damages. A PCI policy comes with general liability coverage included.

What Is Employee Dishonesty Coverage

You’ve probably heard of bonding and employee dishonesty coverage covers your business in much the same way that bonding does, but there are a few differences. Some of the benefits of PCI’s employee dishonesty coverage include that it doesn’t check your credit, isn’t dependent on a conviction, and it doesn’t need to be repaid.

How Is Employee Bonding Different?

Employee bonding works much the same as PCI’s employee dishonesty coverage. It protects you in the event that a third party makes a claim against you due to an employee’s dishonest actions such as loss of money or property, but it does come with some drawbacks. Often, companies who provide bonds do check your credit, only provide the bonding coverage when there is a conviction, and even then you are usually expected to repay the bond.

What Is Pet Daycare?

Pet daycare refers to anytime that you take a client’s pet away from its home in order to provide pet services. Each location that you take pets to must be added to your PCI policy as an additional location.

Additional Questions?

Hopefully this has helped you to understand what your insurance policy contains. However, if you have additional questions and concerns, please contact us at 844-520-6990 or email

Annual Pet Insurance Policy

This policy is for professionals who work in the pet care industry.

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About the Author

Comparing Employee Dishonesty Coverage & Bonding

PCI’s employee dishonesty coverage is similar to a bond, but there may be some key differences to consider.

Employee dishonesty coverage:

  • Can be purchased in the same transaction
  • Doesn’t run credit checks
  • Provides $10,000 per occurrence and $25,000 aggregate coverage

Bonds may differ from our dishonesty coverage by:

  • Checking your credit during the application process
  • Having a “Conviction Claus;” Often bonds won’t pay on claims unless there is a conviction
  • Many require you to reimbursement the bonding company after a claim is paid