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A Guide to Dog Training Insurance

When you’re shopping around for dog training insurance, understanding the policy is key. We know that insurance terminology can be overwhelming, so here’s a simple breakdown of three types of coverages every dog trainer should look for in a dog training insurance policy. General Liability Coverage This coverage offers you

Five Online Tools That Would Help Any Dog Trainer

As a dog trainer, you know there’s more to running a successful business than just putting together good classes and training courses. You need to stay on top of the analytics and marketing aspects of your dog training business. Primarily, there are two things you need to take into account

How To Make Every Pet Sitting Appointment Go Smoothly

Every pet sitter has a very important job. Pet owners trust that their pets will be well taken care of. As a professional pet sitter, whether experienced or novice, it’s important to self-evaluate and always be improving. Here’s a list that if followed, may make every pet sitting job go

5 Essential Tips For Your Pet Sitting Website

Let’s say you’ve reached the point in your pet sitting business that you’ve established a clientele and are receiving new customers by word of mouth or your other marketing efforts. It may be time to break away from using a big pet sitting website so you can better establish your

A Do-It-All App to Help Train Dogs

If you aren’t a professional dog trainer, but still want to teach a dog how to behave, it can be pretty boring flipping through books or scouring YouTube. Since almost everyone has a smartphone why not just use that? That’s where Puppr comes in handy. It’s a handy mobile app

8 Essential Products for Dog Walkers

Having to juggle the unique personalities, quirks, and tendencies of severals dogs requires more than high-quality leashes. This is especially true for new clients. Dogs that you’re not familiar with require extra attention. There are products that you can purchase that will make your life as a professional dog walker

FDA: 15 Dogs Died from Eating These Treats

Giving dogs poultry and other raw bones can be dangerous. But a Food and Drug Administration report suggests the problem is broader. The report explains that the FDA has 68 recent reports of pets becoming sick due to eating processed bone treats. The bones in question are baked, seasoned and

Do I Need Pet Sitting Insurance

So, you’ve started a pet sitting business. It’s new, exciting, and you get to do something you love for a living. But, like most things in life, running your own business isn’t easy. A strategic plan that includes accounting, marketing, business licensing, and protecting yourself and your business from risk

3 Real PCI Pet Sitter Claims

As pet sitters, having a current insurance policy helps acquire new clients, helps with pet medical bills for which you become responsible, and it helps protect your business. However, it’s always nice to see specific examples of how pet sitting insurance protected other pet sitters just like you, so Pet

Pet Sitting Safety for the 4th of July

Professional pet sitters are expected to know all about the most up-to-date safekeeping methods and techniques for their client’s and their pets. Pet sitting insurance is a pragmatic way to protect your clients’, your four-legged clients, and your business. It’s also a great way to set yourself apart from others

Comparing Employee Dishonesty Coverage & Bonding

PCI’s employee dishonesty coverage is similar to a bond, but there may be some key differences to consider.

Employee dishonesty coverage:

  • Can be purchased in the same transaction
  • Doesn’t run credit checks
  • Provides $10,000 per occurrence and $25,000 aggregate coverage

Bonds may differ from our dishonesty coverage by:

  • Checking your credit during the application process
  • Having a “Conviction Claus;” Often bonds won’t pay on claims unless there is a conviction
  • Many require you to reimbursement the bonding company after a claim is paid