Pet sitters enjoy spending time and having fun with their furry friends, but also want them to be safe. Whether you’re at the dog park with your pet or just at home, there’s always potential risk. Like any other business owner, pet sitters should make sure that they have an insurance policy to make sure they’re taken care of when those accidents happen. We’re here to help you understand the risks of pet sitters with this informational video.
Lacie from Pet Care Insurance will address common claims that our pet sitters have filed with us. For example, an unwanted mess in the pet owner’s home created by the pet can fall on the shoulders of the pet sitter. In our video, you’ll also learn some situations sitters have faced and safety measures for you to implement to help you avoid these harmful situations.
Our video will also explain the benefits of protecting your business with pet sitters insurance. We know you do your best to ensure that your playful clients are taken care of, but accidents happen, and when they do, you’ll be grateful that you’re insured with PCI. PCI offers coverages, such as vet bill reimbursement coverage and it may respond to medical-related incidents on the job. 30% of our policyholders have even reported that having insurance has helped them get clients. PCI also offers an insurance badge to give you a competitive edge, displaying your insurance coverage.
By having a safety net, you can focus on your playful clients and have peace of mind. We hope that you’ll consider obtaining pet sitters insurance from PCI.
For more information, check out our video above!